Friday, May 2, 2008

Google PR updates! Learn how?

It’s more important that you are ranking high with certain keywords than what your PR is. There are many websites that have lower PR and still are listing number one for certain keywords.

But if you are really worried and want high Page Rank, try the following:

  1. fresh content like no other page out there on the internet. More you have, the better.
  2. link other sites to that page(s), the more the better, they can be inbound or external links from other sites.
  3. use a blog for faster indexing of those pages when a link is placed on your blog to your new content.
  4. submit to article directories and place the link of the pages you want a higher PR on.
  5. once your other pages have higher PR, strategically place other PR pages that link up to the new PR pages and force the PR ranking by using the term of revelance given from Page A to page B.

A Toolbar PageRank update which just hit Google over the last couple of days. I have spent the last three hours analyzing the update and how my test domains faired. It is pretty interesting. Before I get into the results, let’s cover a few things about the update …

The PageRank score is numerical and has an unlimited number of decimal places that it is carried out. So when we see the toolbar showing a PageRank of 5, that can be a range from 4.x - 5.x, depending upon how Google does their “rounding”. The point is, what we see on the toolbar can be very misleading as to what the actual PageRank value is. Also, the PageRank Google shows on the toolbar can be between 1-4 months old, depending on the data Google decides to show publicly. Much like the stock market quotes online that are “delayed 15 minutes”, Google “delays” showing you the PageRank value for months, even though they are computing the live data on a daily basis.

The last public Toolbar was completed around March 4th when the data became stable again. So this was a rather quick update, inside of 60 days as they are usually once a quarter.

Source Here

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