Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Building Link Popularity updates - SEO News

One οf thе mοѕt difficult challenges аmοnɡ SEO professionals іѕ decoding thе algorithm οf search engine (read Google). Thіѕ means thе experts ѕhουƖԁ know hοw thе search engine works аnԁ whаt criteria іt uses whіƖе ranking sites. Thеrе аrе many criteria a search engine looks аt whіƖе determining a websites ranking. One οf thеѕе criteria іѕ link popularity, whісh саn bе achieved through link building. In fact, a search requires уουr site tο hаνе аt Ɩеаѕt a few incoming links fοr іt tο bе indexed. Building link popularity іѕ essential іf уου want tο secure a higher ranking. Hοw рοрυƖаr уου site іѕ measured bу thе quality аnԁ quantity οf οthеr sites thаt link tο уουr site.

If уου open аnу commercial website, уου wіƖƖ find thаt within thе pages thеrе аrе many hyperlinks whісh land οn pages οf different websites. Link building аѕ such increases уουr online presence apart frοm doing a world οf ɡοοԁ fοr уουr sites ranking. It іѕ hοwеνеr impossible tο ѕtаrt a link building campaign bу yourself. Tο hаνе a strategic рƖаn іn рƖасе, уου need hеƖр frοm companies offering link building services. Thеѕе companies саn ѕtаrt a link building campaign bу asking strategic partners, organizations, customers, аnԁ suppliers, tο add thеіr links tο уουr site. In return, уου саn аƖѕο link уουr pages tο thеіr sites.

Fοr effective аnԁ economical services, уου саn bank οn link popularity building India. Thеrе аrе many SEO companies іn India whісh offer a comprehensive solution fοr уουr site. Being a рοрυƖаr outsourcing destination, Indian professionals аƖѕο offer customer-centric service apart frοm registering a higher ranking fοr уουr site. Thеу wіƖƖ аƖѕο adopt thе best link building method fοr уουr site аѕ per уουr requirement.

Thеѕе service providers wіƖƖ offer уου two type link building methods one-way аnԁ reciprocal link building. One-way links аrе those links whісh point frοm different websites tο уουr website. Thеrе іѕ nο reciprocation involved іn thіѕ process. Search engines give more weight tο one-way links thаn reciprocal links. Reciprocal link building involves linking уουr site tο a site whісh links tο уουr site.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How to Become Digg Power user? This time make it better

Before you move further do remember there is no shortcut to success and if you are reading this to promote only your posts I will rather say this is just an article which gives you some power tip which help you understanding Digg better and help us to make it more beautiful community.

It’s most common thing that people say that it is as easy to get on the Digg front page just dugg and dugg. For those people I will say it’s never the way and it’s never will.

It’s true that story submitted by a power user is recognized more but you can’t take things for granted that It will make a Front page without good article and reliable resources.

Now what do I mean by reliable sources :

It’s very true that there are few white listed websites like Mashable, blog.wired and many more which require less Digg to make FP then other sites and if we start talking about the discrimination on it that can lead us to endless debate.

I can justify the concept of white listed website as right from Digg point of view and I can also justify it as a wrong decision from a normal user point of view.

I have joined Digg almost an year ago though i was not using it for a while but an old profile helped me a lot.
People always suggested me that Stumble upon is more powerful then Digg and that’s why because the traffic from Digg is not ever lasting where as Stumble upon traffic last for long time.

I would not have supported Digg but then when one of my other blog post made homepage and then the Google analytic stats gone made almost 20K click in a single day.

Then i started looking back to things in more analytic way, went through my history and submission and all the details related to my Digg account and finally i got to know few things and thought i should share it with my readers.

First of all Digg is a powerful tool which can make your blog and can break your blog so its very important that you should use it wisely.

There is no shortcut for anything, so you have to spent some quality time on Digg. It is very true Digg need quality time and it’s up to you if you want to be a part of it or not.

My suggestion before start submitting anything understand digg for almost 2 weeks. Understand what kind of quality people are actually looking for, what is blogspam and then most important understand the simple concept of digg.

Oh yes I forget to mention do read the Digg TOS else you might feel bad later when your account might get deleted and banned for violation of any of these TOS. This is what happened to many of the Digg users.

Many of you have joined Digg to promote stuff but don’t forget majority is the people who joined Digg because of interest and who scan everything before it make a Front page.

Digg has two button Digg and bury. I will rather call Digg as Digg bury game where if you enjoy something Digg else bury. One more important thing to understand why Digg made so many category so that people can select there own niche. Though for becoming a power user you don’t have to stick to it because in the end you have to face the harsh truth that you going to Digg a lot. Stuff which you never read and things you have no interest you are going to Digg them because there is a part of give and take relation on Digg.

Anyways getting back to the point,

I have seen many people who have 1001 friends, sounds great !!Not worthy
No you are wrong, because even they have 1000 friends but still they have hardly 100-150 mutual friends and that’s the catch. Read more

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why SEO Alone is Not Enough

I stumble upon this article from and it helps me improve to understand the general rules about Internet Marketing.

When it comes to search engine optimization, one thing is true: shift happens. The landscape is continually changing, as evidenced by recent movement in the search engine industry. Will the partnership between Microsoft Bing and Yahoo! impact search or create a long-term competitor to Google? And will the new initiatives that Google rolls out in response impact the search placement of other companies? These are all questions that have been raised in recent years.

It's instructive to look at a typical Google search result to see how much things have changed recently. For example, when you do a search for the "xbox 360" on Google, you get more than just organic results from sites that mention those words. What you see is a broad range of content including news, paid advertising, product feeds and social media results (see image below). This means that you need to concentrate on more than just increasing your organic search placement if you want your Internet marketing plan to succeed.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The importance of Press Release Marketing

Do you run any online business? If yes, you would know the importance of press release marketing. First of all, there is a need to understand what press release marketing is and how it works for your website. Actually, a press release is considered as a strong article that is finished in a journalistic style and pattern. The aim of creating a press release is to highlight the most interesting news, parts and features about a company or a website. Thus, press release marketing comes as an amazing tool of internet marketing that helps your business or website gain benefits.

In fact, press release promotion is essential for your website or online business, if you want to bring into the notice of visitors from all over the world. The press release promotion services are offered by a PR marketing company that you can find making a search on internet. A PR marketing firm release the information about your website, products and services in a very powerful and interesting manner that force people to visit your site once.

If you also wish for hiring press release promotion services for your website, you can quickly go with PR marketing firm in order to make your online company available using best PR marketing techniques. Since press release promotion is a good idea that you can use to spread good and healthy news about your company.

Press release promotion services are considered the best tool of internet marketing. Avail them to meet the challenges for your website!

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